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Introduction API 3.0 documentation.


curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/
curl http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/some_path?API-Key=23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61

For data exchange using authentication public key passed as parameter in the header API-Key. As the key, a hash generated for your site. API key, you can see in your profile.

Where I Can Get My API URL?

Where I Can Get My API-KEY?

Personal API-Key For Affiliate


Custom statistics

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

  "status": 1,
  "stats": [
      "slice": {
        "year": 2017,
        "month": 3,
        "day": 1
      "traffic": {
        "raw": "1607530",
        "uniq": "1468939"
      "actions": {
        "total": {
          "revenue": 1252,
          "charge": 1352.52,
          "earning": 100.52,
          "null": 825,
          "count": 1092
        "confirmed": {
          "revenue": 1252,
          "charge": 1352.52,
          "earning": 100.52,
          "null": 728,
          "count": 995
  "pagination": {
    "per_page": 100,
    "total_count": 1,
    "page": 1

Get custom statistics

GET /3.0/stats/custom

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
slice Array[string] Available: hour, month, quarter, year, day, offer, country, city, os, os_version, device, device_model, browser, goal, sub1, sub2, sub3, sub4, sub5.
Only for admin: advertiser, affiliate, manager, smart_id
REQUIRED Custom stats slice
filter[date_from] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date from
filter[date_to] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date to
filter[currency] Array[string] Default: All currencies code The list of a currencies code you can get from API /2.1/currencies
filter[advertiser] Mixed: String or Array[string] Advertiser ID’s
filter[offer] Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] Offers ID’s
filter[manager] Mixed: String or Array[string] Managers ID’s
filter[partner] Mixed: String or Array[string] Default: If the request from not an admin then default a ID partner ONLY FOR ADMIN
Partners ID’s.
filter[country] Mixed: String or Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
filter[os] Mixed: String or Array[string] Os
filter[goal] Mixed: String or Array[string] Goal
filter[sub1] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub number 1
filter[sub2] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub number 2
filter[sub3] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub number 3
filter[sub4] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub number 4
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub number 5
filter[device] Mixed: String or Array[string] Device
filter[smart_id] Mixed: String or Array[smart_id] Allowed only when the smart slice selected SmartLink categories ID’s
filter[nonzero] Integer Available: 1, 0 Non-zero conversions
locale String Default: en
Available: ru, en, es
Locale for output a cities data when you use the city slice
conversionTypes Array[string] Available: total, confirmed, pending, declined, hold, not_found Only this conversion types will be output
page Integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit Integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities
orderType String Default: asc
Available: asc, desc
Sorting order
order Array[string] Available: hour, month, quarter, year, day, currency, offer, country, city, os, os_version, device, device_model, browser, goal, sub1, sub2, sub3, sub4, sub5, confirmed_earning, raw, uniq, total_count, total_revenue, total_null, pending_count, pending_revenue, declined_count, declined_revenue, hold_count, hold_revenue, confirmed_count, confirmed_revenue.
Only for admin: advertiser, affiliate, manager
Sort by field
timezone string Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”


curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

         "city":"New York",
         "browser":"Chrome 58.0.3029",
         "os":"Mac OS X 10.12.5",
         "offer":{ // Will return null if the offer doesn't exist
            "title":"HD-smart [Web]",
         "ua":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_5) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/58.0.3029.110 Safari\/537.36",
         "created_at":"2017-06-06 03:08:29",
         "click_time":"2017-06-06 03:07:07",

Get conversions

GET /3.0/stats/conversions

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
date_from String Available: YYYY-MM-DD Default: day one week ago Date from
date_to String Available: YYYY-MM-DD Default: date now Date to
update_from_date String Available: YYYY-MM-DD Last update date point
update_from_hour Between 0 and 23 Last update hour point
status Array[integer] Available: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Status conversions. 1 = confirmed, 2 = pending, 3 = declined, 4 = not_found, 5 = hold
offer Array[integer] Offer ID collection
advertiser Array[string] Advertiser ID collection
country Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
browser String Browser
action_id String Cbid
clickid String Click ID
os String Os
goal String Goal
device String Available: tablet, desktop, mobile Device
payouts Float Payout for affiliate
currency Integer ID currency
hour Integer Between 0 and 23 Hour point
Allows only for one day period
timezone String Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”
custom_field_1 String Custom field 1
custom_field_2 String Custom field 2
custom_field_3 String Custom field 3
custom_field_4 String Custom field 4
custom_field_5 String Custom field 5
custom_field_6 String Custom field 6
custom_field_7 String Custom field 7
subid1 String Sub 1
subid2 String Sub 2
subid3 String Sub 3
subid4 String Sub 4
subid5 String Sub 5
partner Array[integer] ONLY FOR ADMIN
revenue Float ONLY FOR ADMIN Revenue
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities


curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

         "ua":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_5) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/58.0.3029.110 Safari\/537.36",
         "city":"New York",
         "os":"Mac OS X 10.12.5",
         "browser":"Chrome 58.0.3029",
            "title":"HD-smart [Web]"
         "created_at":"2017-06-06 03:07:07",

Get clicks

GET /3.0/stats/clicks

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
date_from String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED
date_to String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED
hour Integer Between 0 and 23 Hour point
Allows only for one day period
offer Array[integer] Offer ID’s
partner Array[integer] Affiliates ID’s
country Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
advertiser Array[string] ONLY FOR ADMIN Advertiser ID collection
timezone String Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities

By date

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get statistics by date

GET /3.0/stats/getbydate

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
locale String Default: en
Available: ru, en, es
Locale for output a cities data when you use the city slice
timezone String Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities
orderType String Default: asc
Available: asc, desc
Sorting order
filter[date_from] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date from
filter[date_to] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date to
filter[currency] Array[string] Default: All currencies code The list of a currencies code you can get from API /2.1/currencies
filter[advertiser] Mixed: String or Array[string] Advertiser ID’s
filter[offer] Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] Offers ID’s
filter[manager] Mixed: String or Array[string] Managers ID’s
filter[partner] Mixed: String or Array[string] Default: If the request from not an admin then default a ID partner ONLY FOR ADMIN
Partners ID’s.
filter[country] Mixed: String or Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
filter[os] Mixed: String or Array[string] Os
filter[goal] Mixed: String or Array[string] Goal
filter[sub1] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 1
filter[sub2] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 2
filter[sub3] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 3
filter[sub4] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 4
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 5
filter[device] Mixed: String or Array[string] Device


curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get statistics by hour

GET /3.0/stats/getbyhour

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
locale String Default: en
Available: ru, en, es
Locale for output a cities data when you use the city slice
timezone String Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities
orderType String Default: asc
Available: asc, desc
Sorting order
filter[date_from] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date from
filter[date_to] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED
filter[currency] Array[string] Default: All currencies code The list of a currencies code you can get from API /2.1/currencies
filter[advertiser] Mixed: String or Array[string] Advertiser ID’s
filter[offer] Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] Offers ID’s
filter[manager] Mixed: String or Array[string] Managers ID’s
filter[partner] Mixed: String or Array[string] Default: If the request from not an admin then default a ID partner ONLY FOR ADMIN
Partners ID’s.
filter[country] Mixed: String or Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
filter[os] Mixed: String or Array[string] Os
filter[goal] Mixed: String or Array[string] Goal
filter[sub1] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 1
filter[sub2] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 2
filter[sub3] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 3
filter[sub4] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 4
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 5
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Device

By sub

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get statistics by sub

GET /3.0/stats/getbysub

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
locale String Default: en
Available: ru, en, es
Locale for output a cities data when you use the city slice
timezone String Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities
orderType String Default: asc
Available: asc, desc
Sorting order
filter[date_from] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date from
filter[date_to] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date to
filter[currency] Array[string] Default: All currencies code The list of a currencies code you can get from API /2.1/currencies
filter[advertiser] Mixed: String or Array[string] Advertiser ID’s
filter[offer] Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] REQUIRED Offers ID’s
filter[manager] Mixed: String or Array[string] Managers ID’s
filter[partner] Mixed: String or Array[string] Default: If the request from not an admin then default a ID partner ONLY FOR ADMIN
Partners ID’s.
filter[country] Mixed: String or Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
filter[os] Mixed: String or Array[string] Os
filter[goal] Mixed: String or Array[string] Goal
filter[sub1] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 1
filter[sub2] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 2
filter[sub3] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 3
filter[sub4] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 4
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 5
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Device

By offer

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

               "title":"HD-smart [Web]"

Get statistics by offer

GET /3.0/stats/getbyprogram

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
locale String Default: en
Available: ru, en, es
Locale for output a cities data when you use the city slice
timezone String Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities
orderType String Default: asc
Available: asc, desc
Sorting order
filter[date_from] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date from
filter[date_to] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date to
filter[currency] Array[string] Default: All currencies code The list of a currencies code you can get from API /2.1/currencies
filter[advertiser] Mixed: String or Array[string] Advertiser ID’s
filter[offer] Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] Offers ID’s
filter[manager] Mixed: String or Array[string] Managers ID’s
filter[partner] Mixed: String or Array[string] Default: If the request from not an admin then default a ID partner ONLY FOR ADMIN
Partners ID’s.
filter[country] Mixed: String or Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
filter[os] Mixed: String or Array[string] Os
filter[goal] Mixed: String or Array[string] Goal
filter[sub1] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 1
filter[sub2] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 2
filter[sub3] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 3
filter[sub4] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 4
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 5
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Device

By advertiser

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get statistics by advertiser

GET /3.0/stats/getbyadvertiser

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
locale String Default: en
Available: ru, en, es
Locale for output a cities data when you use the city slice
timezone String Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities
orderType String Default: asc
Available: asc, desc
Sorting order
filter[date_from] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date from
filter[date_to] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date to
filter[currency] Array[string] Default: All currencies code The list of a currencies code you can get from API /2.1/currencies
filter[advertiser] Mixed: String or Array[string] Advertiser ID’s
filter[offer] Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] Offers ID’s
filter[manager] Mixed: String or Array[string] Managers ID’s
filter[partner] Mixed: String or Array[string] Partners ID’s.
filter[country] Mixed: String or Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
filter[os] Mixed: String or Array[string] Os
filter[goal] Mixed: String or Array[string] Goal
filter[sub1] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 1
filter[sub2] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 2
filter[sub3] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 3
filter[sub4] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 4
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 5
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Device

By accounts managers

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get statistics by accounts managers

GET /3.0/stats/getbyaccountmanager

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
locale String Default: en
Available: ru, en, es
Locale for output a cities data when you use the city slice
timezone String Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities
orderType String Default: asc
Available: asc, desc
Sorting order
filter[date_from] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date from
filter[date_to] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date to
filter[currency] Array[string] Default: All currencies code The list of a currencies code you can get from API /2.1/currencies
filter[advertiser] Mixed: String or Array[string] Advertiser ID’s
filter[offer] Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] Offers ID’s
filter[manager] Mixed: String or Array[string] Managers ID’s
filter[partner] Mixed: String or Array[string] Partners ID’s.
filter[country] Mixed: String or Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
filter[os] Mixed: String or Array[string] Os
filter[goal] Mixed: String or Array[string] Goal
filter[sub1] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 1
filter[sub2] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 2
filter[sub3] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 3
filter[sub4] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 4
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 5
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Device

By affiliates managers

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get statistics by affiliates managers

GET /3.0/stats/getbyaffiliatemanager

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
locale String Default: en
Available: ru, en, es
Locale for output a cities data when you use the city slice
timezone String Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities
orderType String Default: asc
Available: asc, desc
Sorting order
filter[date_from] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date from
filter[date_to] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date to
filter[currency] Array[string] Default: All currencies code The list of a currencies code you can get from API /3.0/admin/currencies
filter[advertiser] Mixed: String or Array[string] Advertiser ID’s
filter[offer] Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] Offers ID’s
filter[manager] Mixed: String or Array[string] Managers ID’s
filter[partner] Mixed: String or Array[string] Partners ID’s.
filter[country] Mixed: String or Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
filter[os] Mixed: String or Array[string] Os
filter[goal] Mixed: String or Array[string] Goal
filter[sub1] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 1
filter[sub2] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 2
filter[sub3] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 3
filter[sub4] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 4
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 5
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Device

By affiliate

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get statistics by affiliate

GET /3.0/stats/getbypartner

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
locale String Default: en
Available: ru, en, es
Locale for output a cities data when you use the city slice
timezone String Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities
orderType String Default: asc
Available: asc, desc
Sorting order
filter[date_from] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date from
filter[date_to] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date to
filter[currency] Array[string] Default: All currencies code The list of a currencies code you can get from API /2.1/currencies
filter[advertiser] Mixed: String or Array[string] Advertiser ID’s
filter[offer] Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] Offers ID’s
filter[manager] Mixed: String or Array[string] Managers ID’s
filter[partner] Mixed: String or Array[string] Partners ID’s.
filter[country] Mixed: String or Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
filter[os] Mixed: String or Array[string] Os
filter[goal] Mixed: String or Array[string] Goal
filter[sub1] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 1
filter[sub2] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 2
filter[sub3] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 3
filter[sub4] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 4
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 5
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Device

By affiliate and date

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get statistics by affiliate and date

GET /3.0/stats/getbypartnerbydate

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
locale String Default: en
Available: ru, en, es
Locale for output a cities data when you use the city slice
timezone String Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities
orderType String Default: asc
Available: asc, desc
Sorting order
filter[date_from] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date from
filter[date_to] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date to
filter[currency] Array[string] Default: All currencies code The list of a currencies code you can get from API /2.1/currencies
filter[advertiser] Mixed: String or Array[string] Advertiser ID’s
filter[offer] Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] Offers ID’s
filter[manager] Mixed: String or Array[string] Managers ID’s
filter[partner] Mixed: String or Array[string] Partners ID’s.
filter[country] Mixed: String or Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
filter[os] Mixed: String or Array[string] Os
filter[goal] Mixed: String or Array[string] Goal
filter[sub1] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 1
filter[sub2] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 2
filter[sub3] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 3
filter[sub4] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 4
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 5
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Device

By country

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get statistics by country

GET /3.0/stats/getbycountries

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
locale String Default: en
Available: ru, en, es
Locale for output a cities data when you use the city slice
timezone String Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities
orderType String Default: asc
Available: asc, desc
Sorting order
filter[date_from] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date from
filter[date_to] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date to
filter[currency] Array[string] Default: All currencies code The list of a currencies code you can get from API /2.1/currencies
filter[advertiser] Mixed: String or Array[string] Advertiser ID’s
filter[offer] Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] Offers ID’s
filter[manager] Mixed: String or Array[string] Managers ID’s
filter[partner] Mixed: String or Array[string] Default: If the request from not an admin then default a ID partner ONLY FOR ADMIN
Partners ID’s.
filter[country] Mixed: String or Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
filter[os] Mixed: String or Array[string] Os
filter[goal] Mixed: String or Array[string] Goal
filter[sub1] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 1
filter[sub2] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 2
filter[sub3] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 3
filter[sub4] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 4
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 5
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Device

By browser

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get statistics by browser

GET /3.0/stats/getbybrowsers

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
locale String Default: en
Available: ru, en, es
Locale for output a cities data when you use the city slice
timezone String Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities
orderType String Default: asc
Available: asc, desc
Sorting order
filter[date_from] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date from
filter[date_to] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date to
filter[currency] Array[string] Default: All currencies code The list of a currencies code you can get from API /2.1/currencies
filter[advertiser] Mixed: String or Array[string] Advertiser ID’s
filter[offer] Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] Offers ID’s
filter[manager] Mixed: String or Array[string] Managers ID’s
filter[partner] Mixed: String or Array[string] Default: If the request from not an admin then default a ID partner ONLY FOR ADMIN
Partners ID’s.
filter[country] Mixed: String or Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
filter[os] Mixed: String or Array[string] Os
filter[goal] Mixed: String or Array[string] Goal
filter[sub1] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 1
filter[sub2] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 2
filter[sub3] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 3
filter[sub4] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 4
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 5
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Device


curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get statistics by OS

GET /3.0/stats/getbyos

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
locale String Default: en
Available: ru, en, es
Locale for output a cities data when you use the city slice
timezone String Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities
orderType String Default: asc
Available: asc, desc
Sorting order
filter[date_from] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date from
filter[date_to] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date to
filter[currency] Array[string] Default: All currencies code The list of a currencies code you can get from API /2.1/currencies
filter[advertiser] Mixed: String or Array[string] Advertiser ID’s
filter[offer] Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] Offers ID’s
filter[manager] Mixed: String or Array[string] Managers ID’s
filter[partner] Mixed: String or Array[string] Default: If the request from not an admin then default a ID partner ONLY FOR ADMIN
Partners ID’s.
filter[country] Mixed: String or Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
filter[os] Mixed: String or Array[string] Os
filter[goal] Mixed: String or Array[string] Goal
filter[sub1] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 1
filter[sub2] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 2
filter[sub3] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 3
filter[sub4] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 4
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 5
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Device

By OS version

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get statistics by os version

GET /3.0/stats/getbyversions

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
locale String Default: en
Available: ru, en, es
Locale for output a cities data when you use the city slice
timezone String Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities
orderType String Default: asc
Available: asc, desc
Sorting order
filter[date_from] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date from
filter[date_to] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date to
filter[currency] Array[string] Default: All currencies code The list of a currencies code you can get from API /2.1/currencies
filter[advertiser] Mixed: String or Array[string] Advertiser ID’s
filter[offer] Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] Offers ID’s
filter[manager] Mixed: String or Array[string] Managers ID’s
filter[partner] Mixed: String or Array[string] Default: If the request from not an admin then default a ID partner ONLY FOR ADMIN
Partners ID’s.
filter[country] Mixed: String or Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
filter[os] Mixed: String or Array[string] Os
filter[goal] Mixed: String or Array[string] Goal
filter[sub1] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 1
filter[sub2] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 2
filter[sub3] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 3
filter[sub4] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 4
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 5
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Device

By goal

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get statistics by goal

GET /3.0/stats/getbygoal

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
locale String Default: en
Available: ru, en, es
Locale for output a cities data when you use the city slice
timezone String Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities
orderType String Default: asc
Available: asc, desc
Sorting order
filter[date_from] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date from
filter[date_to] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date to
filter[currency] Array[string] Default: All currencies code The list of a currencies code you can get from API /2.1/currencies
filter[advertiser] Mixed: String or Array[string] Advertiser ID’s
filter[offer] Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] Offers ID’s
filter[manager] Mixed: String or Array[string] Managers ID’s
filter[partner] Mixed: String or Array[string] Default: If the request from not an admin then default a ID partner ONLY FOR ADMIN
Partners ID’s.
filter[country] Mixed: String or Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
filter[os] Mixed: String or Array[string] Os
filter[goal] Mixed: String or Array[string] Goal
filter[sub1] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 1
filter[sub2] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 2
filter[sub3] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 3
filter[sub4] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 4
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 5
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Device

By city

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get statistics by city

GET /3.0/stats/getbycities

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
locale String Default: en
Available: ru, en, es
Locale for output a cities data when you use the city slice
timezone String Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities
orderType String Default: asc
Available: asc, desc
Sorting order
filter[date_from] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date from
filter[date_to] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date to
filter[currency] Array[string] Default: All currencies code The list of a currencies code you can get from API /2.1/currencies
filter[advertiser] Mixed: String or Array[string] Advertiser ID’s
filter[offer] Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] Offers ID’s
filter[manager] Mixed: String or Array[string] Managers ID’s
filter[partner] Mixed: String or Array[string] Default: If the request from not an admin then default a ID partner ONLY FOR ADMIN
Partners ID’s.
filter[country] Mixed: String or Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
filter[os] Mixed: String or Array[string] Os
filter[goal] Mixed: String or Array[string] Goal
filter[sub1] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 1
filter[sub2] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 2
filter[sub3] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 3
filter[sub4] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 4
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 5
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Device

By device

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get statistics by device

GET /3.0/stats/getbydevices

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
locale String Default: en
Available: ru, en, es
Locale for output a cities data when you use the city slice
timezone String Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities
orderType String Default: asc
Available: asc, desc
Sorting order
filter[date_from] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date from
filter[date_to] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date to
filter[currency] Array[string] Default: All currencies code The list of a currencies code you can get from API /2.1/currencies
filter[advertiser] Mixed: String or Array[string] Advertiser ID’s
filter[offer] Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] Offers ID’s
filter[manager] Mixed: String or Array[string] Managers ID’s
filter[partner] Mixed: String or Array[string] Default: If the request from not an admin then default a ID partner ONLY FOR ADMIN
Partners ID’s.
filter[country] Mixed: String or Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
filter[os] Mixed: String or Array[string] Os
filter[goal] Mixed: String or Array[string] Goal
filter[sub1] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 1
filter[sub2] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 2
filter[sub3] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 3
filter[sub4] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 4
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 5
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Device

By device model

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get statistics by device model

GET /3.0/stats/getbydevicemodels

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
locale String Default: en
Available: ru, en, es
Locale for output a cities data when you use the city slice
timezone String Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities
orderType String Default: asc
Available: asc, desc
Sorting order
filter[date_from] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date from
filter[date_to] String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date to
filter[currency] Array[string] Default: All currencies code The list of a currencies code you can get from API /2.1/currencies
filter[advertiser] Mixed: String or Array[string] Advertiser ID’s
filter[offer] Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] Offers ID’s
filter[manager] Mixed: String or Array[string] Managers ID’s
filter[partner] Mixed: String or Array[string] Default: If the request from not an admin then default a ID partner ONLY FOR ADMIN
Partners ID’s.
filter[country] Mixed: String or Array[string] Countries codes. Example: “US”
filter[os] Mixed: String or Array[string] Os
filter[goal] Mixed: String or Array[string] Goal
filter[sub1] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 1
filter[sub2] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 2
filter[sub3] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 3
filter[sub4] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 4
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Sub 5
filter[sub5] Mixed: String or Array[string] Device

Find subs

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get sub accounts

GET /3.0/stats/find-subs

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
sub1 String Sub 1
sub2 String Sub 2
sub3 String Sub 3
sub4 String Sub 4
sub5 String Sub 5
page integer Default: 1 Page of sub entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of sub entities

By server postback

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


         "response":"{\n    \u0022status\u0022: 1\n}",
            "ua":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_5) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/58.0.3029.110 Safari\/537.36",
            "city":"New York",
            "os":"Mac OS X 10.12.5",
            "browser":"Chrome 58.0.3029",
               "title":"HD-smart [Web]",
            "created_at":"2017-06-06 03:07:07",

Get server postbacks

GET /3.0/stats/serverpostbacks

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
date_from String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED
date_to String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED
offer Array[string] Offers ID’s
partner Array[integer] Partners ID’s.
action_id String Action id
click_id String Click id
goal String Goal
status String Status
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities

By partner postback

curl -X GET \
  'http://<YOUR_DOAMIN>/3.0/stats/affiliatepostbacks?date_from=2017-11-25&date_to=2017-11-28&partner%5B%5D=2&goal=1&http_code=200' \
  -H 'api-key: 69cebe280a74bb8863a6d2b37df1f72b910e6a7c' \
  -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \

Response example:

    "status": 1,
    "postbacks": [
            "_id": {
                "$id": "5a1d248f1bfa2441008b4567"
            "_get": null,
            "_post": null,
            "date": {
                "sec": 1511859343,
                "usec": 662000
            "pid": 2,
            "lead_id": "5a1d247cbbf68e0001972d26",
            "http_code": 200,
            "postback_url": "",
            "offer_id": "5a1d23641bfa2418008b4567",
            "job_id": "5a1d248a1bfa2418008b456b",
            "goal": "1",
            "status": 1
    "pagination": {
        "per_page": 100,
        "total_count": 1,
        "page": 1

Get partner postbacks

GET /3.0/stats/affiliatepostbacks

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
date_from String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED
date_to String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED
offer Array[string] Offers ID’s
partner Array[integer] Partners ID’s.
goal String Goal
status String Status
http_code String Http code
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of stat entities

By cap

curl -X GET \
  'http://<YOUR_DOAMIN>/3.0/stats/caps?offer_id[]=10' \
  -H 'api-key: 69cebe280a74bb8863a6d2b37df1f72b910e6a7c' \
  -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \

Response example:

                  "affiliate_id":0, //0 - means all affiliates
                  "affiliate_id": 600,

Get stats by cap

GET /3.0/stats/caps

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
offer_id Array[string] REQUIRED Offers ID’s. Possibly a maximum of 100 ID’s.
fields Array[string] Available : stats, stats_merged, descr REQUIRED Fields for each offer in response.
affiliate_id Array[integer] Affiliates filter

Fields description:
* stats - contains full stat for each cap
* stats_merged - contains min,avg,max calculated from statistics for each cap when cap contains several metrics (ex: limit for each affiliate or cap contains several goals)
* descr - contains string descriptions like “daily_conversions” / “total_conversions” for each cap

Ratention rate

curl -X GET \
  &events=install,other1,other2&timezone=Europe/Moscow&affiliate_id=1' \
  -H 'api-key: 69cebe280a74bb8863a6d2b37df1f72b910e6a7c' \

Response example:

        "affiliate_id": 1,
        "date": "2018-10-18",
        "rr_install": 66.66,
        "rr_other1": 100,
        "rr_other2": 33.33,
        "install_count": 3
        "affiliate_id": 1,
        "date": "2018-10-19",
        "rr_install": 0,
        "rr_other1": 100,
        "rr_other2": 0,
        "install_count": 1

Get stats retentionrate

GET /3.0/stats/retentionrate

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
date_from String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date from
date_to String Available: YYYY-MM-DD REQUIRED Date to
offer Integer REQUIRED
goal string REQUIRED Name based goal
events Array[string] REQUIRED events
affiliate_id integer Affiliates filter
timezone string Default: Timezone of your platform Timezone name. Example: “Europe/Berlin”

Fields description:
* goal - contains name based goal
* events - event list comma separated

Affiliate methods

Offer list

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

               "title":"Web sites",






         "caps": [
                "period": "day",
                "type": "conversions",
                "value": 100,
                "goal_type": "exact",
                "goals": {
                    "1" : "Install",
                    "2" : "Register"
                 "period": "month",
                 "type": "budget",
                 "value": 100,
                 "goal_type": "each",
                 "goals": {}
                 "period": "all",
                 "type": "budget",
                 "value": 100,
                 "goal_type": "all",
                 "goals": {}

Get list of available partner offers

GET /3.0/partner/offers

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
q String Search by title and id
ids Array[string] Search by string offer ID
int_id Array[integer] Search by int offer ID
countries Array[string] Array of offers countries(ISO)
categories Array[string] Array of offers categories
sort Array[string] Sort offers. Sample sort[id]=asc, sort[title]=desc. You can sort offers by one of (id, title, cr, epc)
page Integer Page of offers
limit Integer Count offers by page

Live offer list

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

               "title":"Web sites",
               "title":"Context AD",
               "title":"Teaser\/banner AD",
               "title":"Social networks: publics, games, applications",






         "caps": [
               "period": "day",
               "type": "conversions",
               "value": 100,
               "goal_type": "exact",
               "goals": {
                   "1" : "Install",
                   "2" : "Register"
                "period": "month",
                "type": "budget",
                "value": 100,
                "goal_type": "each",
                "goals": {}
                "period": "all",
                "type": "budget",
                "value": 100,
                "goal_type": "all",
                "goals": {}

Get list of a live offers

GET /3.0/partner/live-offers

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
q String Search by title and id
ids Array[string] Search by string offer ID
int_id Array[integer] Search by int offer ID
countries Array[string] Array of offers countries(ISO)
categories Array[string] Array of offers categories
sort Array[string] Sort offers. Sample sort[id]=asc, sort[title]=desc. You can sort offers by one of (id, title, cr, epc)
page Integer Page of offers
limit Integer Count offers by page

Activation offer

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "offer_id=123&comment=test" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/partner/activation/offer

Response example:

   "message":"Request is successfully"

Connect to an offer

POST /3.0/partner/activation/offer

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
offer_id Integer REQUIRED
comment String REQUIRED

Add postback

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "url=" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/partner/postback

Response example:

      "created":"2017-06-20 02:17:58",

Add postback

POST /3.0/partner/postback

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
pid Integer REQUIRED (for role admin case) Example: 25
offer_id Integer Offer ID (missed parameter means creation of global postback)
url String REQUIRED Example:
status String Available: by_creating, confirmed, pending, declined, hold, not_found Postback status
goal String Postback goal

Edit postback

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "url=" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/partner/postback/960

Response example:

      "created":"2017-06-20 02:17:58",

Edit postback

POST /3.0/partner/postback/{ID}

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
pid Integer REQUIRED (for role admin case) Example: 25
url String REQUIRED Example:
status String Available: by_creating, confirmed, pending, declined, hold, not_found Postback status
goal String Postback goal

Delete postback

curl -X DELETE --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

      "created":"2017-06-20 02:17:58",

Delete postback

DELETE /3.0/partner/postback/{ID}/remove

News list

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

         "title":"Title news",

News list

GET /3.0/news

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
limit Integer Available: max 100
Default: 10
skip Integer Default: 0 Offset
fixed Integer Available: 1, 0 1 - pinned, 0 - not pinned

News get by ID

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get news by ID

GET /3.0/news/{ID}

Pixel list

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

         "created_at":"2017-06-19 22:49:07",
         "updated_at":"2017-06-19 22:49:07"

Get list of a partner’s pixels

GET /3.0/partner/pixels

Pixel add

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "pid=610&offer_id=906&name=test&code=<script>test</script>&code_type=javascript" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/partner/pixel

Response example:

      "created_at":"2017-06-21 03:34:51",
      "updated_at":"2017-06-21 03:34:51"

Add a partner’s pixel

POST /3.0/partner/pixel

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
offer_id Integer REQUIRED Offer’s ID
name String REQUIRED Name
code String Available: <script>…code…</scipt>, <img …>, <iframe src=“…”></iframe> REQUIRED Code
code_type String Available: javascript, iframe, image REQUIRED Code type

Pixel edit

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "pid=610&offer_id=906&name=test2&code=<script>test2</script>&code_type=javascript" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/partner/pixel/2

Response example:

      "created_at":"2017-06-21 03:34:51",
      "updated_at":"2017-06-21 03:34:51"

Edit a partner’s pixel

POST /3.0/partner/pixel/{ID}

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
name String Name
code String Available: <script>…code…</scipt>, <img …>, <iframe src=“…”></iframe> Code
code_type String Available: javascript, iframe, image Code type

Pixel remove

curl -X DELETE --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

      "created_at":"2017-06-21 03:34:51",
      "updated_at":"2017-06-21 03:34:51"

Delete a partner’s pixel

DELETE /3.0/partner/pixel/{ID}/remove

Affiliate balance

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get current affiliate balance

GET /3.0/balance


Offers list

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

               "title":"Web sites",



         "caps": [
               "period": "day",
               "type": "conversions",
               "value": 100,
               "goal_type": "exact",
               "goals": {
                   "1" : "Install"
                "affiliate_type" : "exact",
                "affiliates": [500, 600]
                "period": "month",
                "type": "budget",
                "value": 100,
                "goal_type": "each",
                "goals": [],
                "affiliate_type" : "each",
                "affiliates": []
                "period": "all",
                "type": "budget",
                "value": 100,
                "goal_type": "all",
                "goals": [],
                "affiliate_type" : "all",
                "affiliates": []

         "sub_accounts": {
            "1" : {
               "value": "",
               "except": false
            "2" : {
               "value": "",
               "except": false
         "kpi": {
            "ru": "",
            "en": "",
            "es": "",
            "ka": ""

Get a list of offers

GET /3.0/offers

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
q String Search by title and id
ids Array[string] Search by string offer ID
int_id Array[integer] Search by int offer ID
countries Array[string] Array of offers countries(ISO)
os Array[string] Available: web, wp, ios, android OS
categories Array[string] Array of offers categories
sort Array[string] Sort offers. Sample sort[id]=asc, sort[title]=desc. You can sort offers by one of (id, title, cr, epc)
page Integer Page of offers
limit Integer Count offers by page
status Array[string] Default: active
Available: active, stopped, suspended
advertiser Array[String] ONLY FOR ADMIN Advertiser ID
privacy Array[integer] ONLY FOR ADMIN Privacy filter: Public(0), Premoderated(1), Private(2)

Offer by id

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:













               "Mac OS X"






      "sub_accounts": {
          "1" : {
              "value": "",
              "except": false
          "2" : {
              "value": "",
              "except": false
      "caps": [
              "period": "day",
              "type": "conversions",
              "value": 100,
              "goal_type": "exact",
              "goals": {
                  "1" : "Install",
                  "2" : "Register"
               "affiliate_type" : "exact",
               "affiliates": [500, 600]
               "period": "month",
               "type": "budget",
               "value": 100,
               "goal_type": "each",
               "goals": {},
               "affiliate_type" : "each",
               "affiliates": []
               "period": "all",
               "type": "budget",
               "value": 100,
               "goal_type": "all",
               "goals": {},
               "affiliate_type" : "all",
               "affiliates": []

Get full information of an offer

GET /3.0/offer/{ID}

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
id Integer


curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


List of a categories

GET /3.0/offer/categories

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
page Integer Page of entities
limit Integer Limit of entities

Advertiser managing (admin methods)

Advertisers list

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


         "address_1": "...",
         "address_2": "...",
         "city": "Moscow",
         "country": "RU",
         "zip_code": "...",
         "vat_code": "..."

Get a list of advertisers

GET /3.0/admin/advertisers

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
page Integer Page of entities
limit Integer Limit of entities
order String Default: _id
Available: _id, title, email
Sort by field
orderType String Default: asc
Available: desc, asc
Sorting order

Add advertiser

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "title=MyTitle&contact=ThePerson&skype=MySkype&manager=5747f68c3b7d9be4018b4570" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/advertiser

Response example:

      "manager": "5747f68c3b7d9be4018b4570",
               "created_at":"2016-05-27 16:26:04"
      "address_1": "...",
      "address_2": "...",
      "city": "Moscow",
      "country": "RU",
      "zip_code": "...",
      "vat_code": "..."

Add new advertiser

POST /3.0/admin/advertiser

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
title String REQUIRED Company name
contact String Contact person name
skype String IM/Skype
manager String Manager ID
url String Site Url
email String Email
allowed_ip String Allowed IP. Example:\n127.0.1.1-
address_1 String Main address string
address_2 String Additional address
city String City name
country String Country ISO name
zip_code String Zip code
vat_code String Vat code
sub_account_1 String Sub1 list, separated by commas
sub_account_2 String Sub2 list, separated by commas
sub_account_1_except Integer Default: 0
Available: 0, 1
Except Sub1 list
sub_account_2_except Integer Default: 0
Available: 0, 1
Except Sub2 list

Edit advertisers

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "title=MyTitle2&contact=ThePerson2&skype=MySkype2&manager=5747f68c3b7d9be4018b4570" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/advertiser/59490d317e28febe1e8b456c

Response example:

         "created_at":"2016-05-27 16:26:04"

      "address_1": "...",
      "address_2": "...",
      "city": "Moscow",
      "country": "RU",
      "zip_code": "...",
      "vat_code": "..."

Change an advertiser’s data

POST /3.0/admin/advertiser/{ID}

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
title String Company name
contact String Contact person name
skype String IM/Skype
manager String Manager ID
url String Site Url
email String Email
allowed_ip String Allowed IP. Example:\n127.0.1.1-
note String Note
allowed_ip String Allowed IP
address_1 String Main address string
address_2 String Additional address
city String City name
country String Country ISO name
zip_code String Zip code
vat_code String Vat code
sub_account_1 String Sub1 list, separated by commas
sub_account_2 String Sub2 list, separated by commas
sub_account_1_except Integer Default: 0
Available: 0, 1
Except Sub1 list
sub_account_2_except Integer Default: 0
Available: 0, 1
Except Sub2 list

Send password to advertiser

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/advertiser/59490d317e28febe1e8b456c/sendpass

Response example:

   "message":"Email send successfully"

Change an advertiser password and send it by email

POST /3.0/admin/advertiser/{ID}/sendpass

Advertisers enable affiliate

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "advertisers_id=56fce8ab3b7d9b95588b4568&pid=610" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/advertiser/enable-affiliate

Response example:

   "message":"Request is successfully: Partner #610 doesn\u0027t exist in blacklist for advertiser 56fce8ab3b7d9b95588b4568"

Un-put affiliate from blacklist for specified advertisers

POST /3.0/admin/advertiser/enable-affiliate

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
advertisers_id Array[string] REQUIRED Array of advertiser IDs to connect
pid Integer REQUIRED affiliate ID

Advertisers disable affiliate

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "advertisers_id=56fce8ab3b7d9b95588b4568&pid=610" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/advertiser/disable-affiliate

Response example:

   "message":"Request is successfully"

Put affiliate to blacklist for specified advertisers

POST /3.0/admin/advertiser/disable-affiliate

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
advertisers_id Array[string] REQUIRED Array of advertiser IDs to connect
pid Integer REQUIRED affiliate ID

Advertiser billing managing (admin methods)

Invoices list

curl -X GET \
  http://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/3.0/admin/advertiser-invoices \
  -H 'api-key: d4735cd4fbf4ba08729cf3256c358ebefffb6f9d' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
  -H 'postman-token: 97d09049-050c-58ce-9eaf-5997b72f1eb2' \

Response example:

    "status": 1,
    "message": [
            "number": 1,
            "supplier_id": "5a37c01cbf0b6b18008b4567",
            "created_at": "2018-01-11",
            "updated_at": "2018-01-11",
            "start_date": "2017-12-05",
            "end_date": "2017-12-07",
            "status": "unpaid",
            "detail": [
                    "offer_id": 1,
                    "payout_type": "RPA",
                    "actions": 100,
                    "amount": 100,
                    "comment": null
            "currency": "USD",
            "comment": null
            "number": 2,
            "supplier_id": "5a37c01cbf0b6b18008b4567",
            "created_at": "2018-01-11",
            "updated_at": "2018-01-11",
            "start_date": "2018-01-11",
            "end_date": "2018-01-11",
            "status": "unpaid",
            "detail": [
                    "offer_id": 1,
                    "payout_type": "RPA",
                    "actions": 55,
                    "amount": 666,
                    "comment": null
            "currency": "USD",
            "comment": "some comment"
    "pagination": {
        "per_page": 100,
        "total_count": 2,
        "page": 1

Get list of invoices

GET /3.0/admin/advertiser-invoices

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
page Integer Page of entities
limit Integer Limit of entities
status String Available: paid, unpaid Status of invoice
start_date String Start date of period
end_date String End date of period

Invoices view

curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'api-key: d4735cd4fbf4ba08729cf3256c358ebefffb6f9d' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
  -H 'postman-token: 30c120cf-00ba-1689-4171-a927baa21844' \

Response example:

    "status": 1,
    "message": {
        "number": 1,
        "supplier_id": "5a37c01cbf0b6b18008b4567",
        "created_at": "2018-01-11",
        "updated_at": "2018-01-11",
        "start_date": "2017-12-05",
        "end_date": "2017-12-07",
        "status": "paid",
        "detail": [
                "offer_id": 1,
                "payout_type": "RPA",
                "actions": 100,
                "amount": 100,
                "comment": null
        "currency": "USD",
        "comment": null

Get a invoice

GET /3.0/admin/advertiser-invoice/{number}

Add invoice

curl -X POST \
  http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/advertiser-invoice \
  -H 'api-key: d4735cd4fbf4ba08729cf3256c358ebefffb6f9d' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
  -F status=unpaid \
  -F supplier_id=5a37c01cbf0b6b18008b4567 \
  -F start_date=2017-12-05 \
  -F 'detail[1][offer_id]=1' \
  -F 'detail[1][payout_type]=RPA' \
  -F 'detail[1][amount]=100' \
  -F 'detail[1][actions]=100' \
  -F end_date=2017-12-07 \
  -F currency=USD \
  -F comment=222

Response example:

    "status": 1,
    "message": "Invoice created."

Add new invoice

POST /3.0/admin/advertiser-invoice

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
supplier_id String REQUIRED Advertiser Id
start_date String Start date of invoice period
end_date String End date of invoice period
status String [paid, unpaid] Invoice status
currency String REQUIRED One of the active currencies (RUB, USD, EUR etc)
comment String Comment
detail[][offer_id] integer Offer id
detail[][payout_type] string [RPA,RPS,RPA + RPS,RPC, RPM] Payout type
detail[][actions] integer Actions
detail[][amount] integer Amount
detail[][comment] string Comment for detail

Edit invoice

curl -X POST \
  http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/advertiser-invoice/1 \
  -H 'api-key: d4735cd4fbf4ba08729cf3256c358ebefffb6f9d' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
  -F status=unpaid

Response example:

    "status": 1,
    "message": "Invoice updated"

Change an invoice’s data

POST /3.0/admin/advertiser-invoice/{number}

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
supplier_id String REQUIRED Advertiser Id
start_date String Start date of invoice period
end_date String End date of invoice period
status String [paid, unpaid] Invoice status
comment String Comment
detail[][offer_id] integer Offer id
detail[][payout_type] string [RPA,RPS,RPA + RPS,RPC, RPM] Payout type
detail[][actions] integer Actions
detail[][amount] integer Amount
detail[][comment] string Comment for detail

Offer managing (admin methods)

Add offer

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "title=test&advertiser=573c69a33b7d9b0e638b4576&url=" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/offer

Response example:






      "strictly_connection_type": "wifi",



      "smartlink_categories": ["595e3b5b7e28fede7b8b456d"],
      "sub_restrictions": [
          "sub1": "sub_value1",
          "sub2": "sub_value2"
      "strictly_isp": [
      "caps_status": [

Add new offer

Payment item structure
partners ❋ - Array of partner ID, which include payments (It’s available only for personal payments)
countries - An array of countries in ISO format
country_exclude - Exclude these countries
cities - An array of id cities
devices - The array of devices. Possible values: tablet, desktop, mobile, ipod
os - Array OS Possible values: MeeGo, Windows XP, BlackBerry OS, Ubuntu, Mac OS X, Windows 8, Other, Windows 8.1, Chrome OS, Windows Vista, iOS, Symbian OS, Windows RT, Linux, Android, Windows, Windows 7, Windows Phone
goal - Value targets
total - The amount of payment
revenue - Payment webmaster
currency ❋ - Currency (Code in ECB format)
type ❋ - Type of payment
Possible values: fixed, percent
url - Custom URL tracking

Landing structure
title ❋ - Title
url ❋ - Tracking URL
url_preview ❋ - View URL
type - Type
Possible values: landing, transit
By default: landing

Personal daily limit
partner - webmaster ID
caps - Daily limit

Strictly identify the operating system
os - Values (OS). Possible values: web, wp, ios, android
versions - Versions. When adding OS targeting to the API offer, the version is a equired parameter
Possible values: ios 3, ios 4, ios 5, ios 6, ios 7, ios 8, ios 9, android 2.2, android 2.3, android 4, android 4.1, android 4.2, android 4.3, android 4.4, android 5, android 5.1, android 6, android 7, wp 7, wp 7.5, wp 7.8, wp 8, wp 10

Cap item structure
period - Possible values: day, month, all
type - Possible values: budget, conversions
value - The integer value for the type of conversion and the float value for the budget type.
goals - Array[string]. Either specifies goal value or is empty. Empty field requires “goal_type” values of “all”/“each”.
goal_type - [string]. Values: “all” , “each”, “exact”. “goals” field is mandatory to be specified for “exact” value.
affiliates - Array[integer]. Either specifies affiliate ID or is empty filed. Empty field requires “affiliate_type” values of “all”/“each”.
affiliate_type - [string]. Values: “all” , “each”, “exact”. “affiliates” field is mandatory to be specified for “exact” value.

POST /3.0/admin/offer

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
title String REQUIRED Title
advertiser String REQUIRED Advertiser ID
url String REQUIRED Tracking URL
url_preview String View URL
trafficback_url String Trafficback URL
domain_url Integer The domain Id for the tracking URL
description String Offer description
description_lang Array[string] Offer description on specified language. Example: description_lang[en] = ‘English description’
stopDate String Available: YYYY-MM-DD Stop date
countries Array[string] Available: [0] => all, us … An array of countries in ISO format
creativeFiles Array[string] Available: image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif, application/zip An array of creative FILES to upload
creativeUrls Array[string] An array of URLs to external creative resources
sources Array[string] An array of traffic sources The list of available sources of traffic in the section
logo FormData Available: image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, image/gif logo File
status String Default: stopped
Available: stopped, active, suspended
Offer status
tags Array[string] Offer tags
privacy String Available: public, protected, private Privacy level
is_top Integer Available: 0, 1 The top offer
is_cpi Integer Available: 0, 1 CPI
payments Array[string] Payments array (See Structure)
partner_payments Array[string] An array of personal paymentsy (See Structure)
notice_percent_overcap Integer The percentage conversions to achieve the daily limit at which the messages will be sent
landings Array[string] An array of landings(See Structure)
strictly_country Integer Available: 0, 1 Strictly identify the country
strictly_connection_type String Available: wifi,cellular,all Strictly identify the connection type
strictly_os Array[string] Strictly identify the operating system(See Structure)
caps Array[CapStructure] Caps (See CapStructure)
caps_status Array[string] Array of conversion statuses for caps calculation. Available values: “confirmed”, “pending”, “hold”, “not_found”, “declined”
hold_period Integer Available: between 0 and 60 Hold time
categories Array[string] An array of categories
notes String Offer notes
allowed_ip String Allowed IP. Example:\n127.0.1.1-
allow_deeplink Integer Available: 0, 1 Allow diplinks
hide_referer Integer Available: 0, 1 Hide referrer
redirect_type String http302, http302hidden, js, meta Redirect types: http302 - usual http redirect with code 302. Without referrer passing: http302hidden, meta (meta-tag redirect), js (javascript redirect)
start_at String Available: YYYY-MM-DD Date of launch
send_emails Integer Default: 0
Available: 0, 1
Send emails to affiliates by offer changing.
is_redirect_overcap Integer Default: 0
Available: 0, 1
Send traffic to trafficback by daily overcaps.
hide_payments Integer Default: 0
Available: 0, 1
Hide the percentage of contributions to offer for partners if it is the type of Percent payment.
click_session String Default: 1y Click Session Lifespan
Example: 1y2m3w4d5h6i7s
Scales must be one from: y(year), m(month), w(week), d(day), h(hour), i(minute), s(second)
sub_account_1 String Sub1 list, separated by commas
sub_account_2 String Sub2 list, separated by commas
sub_account_1_except Integer Default: 0
Available: 0, 1
Except Sub1 list
sub_account_2_except Integer Default: 0
Available: 0, 1
Except Sub2 list
smartlink_categories Array[string] Collection SmartLink category ID’s
kpi Array[string] KPI description on specified language. Example: kpi[en] = ‘English text’
sub_restrictions Array[structure] Sub restriction pair. Example or structure: sub_restrictions[0][sub1] = ‘sub1_val’, sub_restrictions[0][sub2] = ‘sub2_val’, sub_restrictions[1][sub1] = ‘sub2_val’, etc..
uniqIpOnly Integer Default: 0
Available: 0, 1
Unique IP only flag
strictly_isp Array[string] ISP id list
external_offer_id String External offer id
note_aff String Note for affiliate
note_sales String Note for sales
disallowed_ip String disallowed ip
hide_caps Integer Available: 0, 1 Hide caps in partner interface
search_empty_sub Integer Available: 1..8 Search for an empty sub with this number

Edit offer

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "title=test_edit" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/offer/936

Response example:

      "description_lang": {
          "ru" : "Описание",
          "en" : "Description"





      "strictly_connection_type": "wifi",



      "smartlink_categories": ["595e3b5b7e28fede7b8b456d"],
      "sub_restrictions": [
          "sub1": "sub_value1",
          "sub2": "sub_value2"
      "strictly_isp": [
      "caps_status": [

Change an offer settings

POST /3.0/admin/offer/{ID}

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
title String Title
advertiser String Advertiser ID
url String Tracking URL
url_preview String View URL
trafficback_url String Trafficback URL
domain_url Integer The domain Id for the tracking URL
description String Offer description.
description_lang Array[string] Offer description on specified language. Example: description_lang[en] = ‘English description’
kpi Array[string] KPI description on specified language. Example: kpi[en] = ‘English text’
stopDate String Available: YYYY-MM-DD Stop date
countries Array[string] Available: [0] => all, us … An array of countries in ISO format
creativeFiles Array[string] Available: image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif, application/zip An array of creative FILES to upload
creativeUrls Array[string] An array of URLs to external creative resources
sources Array[string] An array of traffic sources The list of available sources of traffic in the section
logo FormData Available: image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, image/gif logo File
status String Default: stopped
Available: stopped, active, suspended
Offer status
tags Array[string] Offer tags
privacy String Available: public, protected, private Privacy level
is_top Integer Available: 0, 1 The top offer
is_cpi Integer Available: 0, 1 CPI
payments Array[string] Payments array (See Structure)
partner_payments Array[string] An array of personal paymentsy (See add offer)
notice_percent_overcap Integer The percentage conversions to achieve the daily limit at which the messages will be sent
landings Array[string] An array of landings(See Structure)
strictly_country Integer Available: 0, 1 Strictly identify the country
strictly_connection_type String Available: wifi,cellular,all Strictly identify the connection type
strictly_os Array[string] Strictly identify the operating system (See add offer)
caps Array[CapStructure] Caps (See CapStructure)
caps_status Array[string] Array of conversion statuses for caps calculation. Available values: “confirmed”, “pending”, “hold”, “not_found”, “declined”
hold_period Integer Available: between 0 and 60 Hold time
categories Array[string] An array of categories
notes String Offer notes
allowed_ip String Allowed IP. Example:\n127.0.1.1-
allow_deeplink Integer Available: 0, 1 Allow diplinks
hide_referer Integer Available: 0, 1 Hide referrer. Deprecated: use redirect_type
redirect_type String http302, http302hidden, js, meta Redirect types: http302 - usual http redirect with code 302. Without referrer passing: http302hidden, meta (meta-tag redirect), js (javascript redirect)
start_at String Available: YYYY-MM-DD Date of launch
send_emails Integer Default: 0
Available: 0, 1
Send emails to affiliates by offer changing.
is_redirect_overcap Integer Default: 0
Available: 0, 1
Send traffic to trafficback by daily overcaps.
hide_payments Integer Default: 0
Available: 0, 1
Hide the percentage of contributions to offer for partners if it is the type of Percent payment.
click_session String Default: 1y Click Session Lifespan
Example: 1y2m3w4d5h6i7s
Scales must be one from: y(year), m(month), w(week), d(day), h(hour), i(minute), s(second)
sub_account_1 String Sub1 list, separated by commas
sub_account_2 String Sub2 list, separated by commas
sub_account_1_except Integer Default: 0
Available: 0, 1
Except Sub1 list
sub_account_2_except Integer Default: 0
Available: 0, 1
Except Sub2 list
smartlink_categories Array[string] Collection SmartLink category ID’s
kpi Array[string] KPI description on specified language. Example: kpi[en] = ‘English text’
sub_restrictions Array[structure] Sub restriction pair. Example or structure: sub_restrictions[0][sub1] = ‘sub1_val’, sub_restrictions[0][sub2] = ‘sub2_val’, sub_restrictions[1][sub1] = ‘sub2_val’, etc..
uniqIpOnly Integer Default: 0
Available: 0, 1
Unique IP only flag
strictly_isp Array[string] ISP id list
external_offer_id String External offer id
hide_caps Integer Available: 0, 1 Hide caps in partner interface
search_empty_sub Integer Available: 1..8 Search for an empty sub with this number

Delete offer

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "offer_id[0]=936" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/offer/delete

Response example:

   "message":"Offer 936 is removed successfully."

Delete the offer

POST /3.0/admin/offer/delete

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
offer_id Array[integer] REQUIRED


curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

         "title":"Web sites",
         "title_lang":{"ru":"веб сайты","en":"web sites","es":""},

Get list of sources

GET /3.0/admin/offer/sources

Source add

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "title_lang[en]=api-test-en-3&title_lang[ru]=api-test-ru-3&title_lang[es]=api-test-es-2&title_lang[ka]=api-test-ka-2&title_lang[vi]=api-test-vi-3" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/offer/source/

Response example:

    "status": 1,
    "source": {
        "title": "api-test-en-3",
        "title_lang": {
            "en": "api-test-en-3",
            "ru": "api-test-ru-3",
            "es": "api-test-es-2",
            "ka": "api-test-ka-2",
            "vi": "api-test-vi-3"
        "id": "5b7e6d350f0e5a001c7bb4d5"

Get list of sources

POST /3.0/admin/offer/source

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
title_lang Array[string] Available: title_lang[ru], title_lang[en], title_lang[es], title_lang[ka], title_lang[vi] REQUIRED Title different languages

Source edit

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "title_lang[en]=api-test-en-3&title_lang[ru]=api-test-ru-3&title_lang[es]=api-test-es-2&title_lang[ka]=api-test-ka-2&title_lang[vi]=api-test-vi-3" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/offer/source/5b7e6d350f0e5a001c7bb4d5

Response example:

    "status": 1,
    "source": {
        "title": "api-test-en-3",
        "title_lang": {
            "en": "api-test-en-3",
            "ru": "api-test-ru-3",
            "es": "api-test-es-2",
            "ka": "api-test-ka-2",
            "vi": "api-test-vi-3"
        "id": "5b7e6d350f0e5a001c7bb4d5"

Get list of sources

POST /3.0/admin/offer/source/{ID}

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
title_lang Array[string] Available: title_lang[ru], title_lang[en], title_lang[es], title_lang[ka], title_lang[vi] REQUIRED Title different languages

Source remove

curl -X DELETE --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

    "status": 1,
    "source": {
        "title": "api-test-en-3",
        "title_lang": {
            "en": "api-test-en-3",
            "ru": "api-test-ru-3",
            "es": "api-test-es-2",
            "ka": "api-test-ka-2",
            "vi": "api-test-vi-3"
        "id": "5b7e6d350f0e5a001c7bb4d5"

Get list of sources

DELETE /3.0/admin/offer/source/{ID}

Category add

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "title=test_category" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/category

Response example:


Add new category

POST /3.0/admin/category

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
title String REQUIRED Category title

Category edit

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "title=test_category2" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/category/59440f427e28feff5c8b4567

Response example:


Change a category

POST /3.0/admin/category/{ID}

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
title String REQUIRED Category title

Enable affiliate

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "offer_id=935&pid=610&notice=0" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/offer/enable-affiliate

Response example:

   "message":"Request for offer 935 is successfully"

Сonnection an affiliate to offer

POST /3.0/offer/enable-affiliate

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
offer_id Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] REQUIRED
pid Integer REQUIRED Affiliate ID
notice Integer Default: 1
Available: 0 or 1
Send notice to affiliate

Disable affiliate

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "offer_id=935&pid=610&notice=0" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/offer/disable-affiliate

Response example:

   "message":"Request for offer 935 is successfully"

Disconnect an affiliate from offer

POST /3.0/offer/disable-affiliate

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
offer_id Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] REQUIRED
pid Integer REQUIRED Affiliate ID
notice Integer Default: 1
Available: 0 or 1
Send notice to affiliate

Update offer`s status

Update offers status

POST /3.0/admin/offer/mass-update

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
offer_id Mixed: Integer or Array[integer] REQUIRED
status String Available:
privacy String Available:
Privacy level
POST /3.0/admin/offer/mass-update HTTP/1.1
API-Key: d4735cd4fbf4ba08729cf3256c358ebefffb6f9d
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: cefe4414-fc5b-1df0-5ef5-f788b8530f8f
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="offer_id[]"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="offer_id[]"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="status"


Response example:

   "message":"status updated"

Disable affiliates

Disconnect all affiliates from private or protected offer

POST /3.0/admin/offer/{id}/disable-affiliates

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
id Integer REQUIRED private or protected offer ID

Response example:

   "status": 1,
   "message": "Affiliates disabled successfully"

Disable offers

Disconnect all private or protected offers from affiliate

POST /3.0/admin/affiliate/{id}/disable-offers

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
id Integer REQUIRED affiliate ID

Response example:

   "status": 1,
   "message": "Offers disabled successfully"

Affiliate managing (admin methods)

Affiliate list

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

         "created_at":"2016-11-16 14:13:39",
         "updated_at":"2016-11-16 14:13:39",
               "system":"Webmoney WMR",
               "system":"Webmoney WMZ",


Get list of a partners

GET /3.0/admin/partners

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
with_balance Integer Available: 1 Show partners with balance
limit Integer Limit of entities
page Integer Page of entities

New affiliate

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/partner

Response example:

      "created_at":"2018-09-27 10:36:59",



Add new partner
Payment item structure
system_id - Integer ID of partners systems
currency - String the currency code.
fields - An array of Advanced fields. For example {‘Integer key’: ‘String value’} where the key is ID from /3.0/admin/payment_systems and value it’s your value of this field.

POST /3.0/admin/partner

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
email String REQUIRED Partners e-mail
password String REQUIRED Partners password
login String Partners name
ref_percent String Percentage of referral program
notes String Notes
status String Available: ‘not active’, ‘active’, ‘banned’, ‘on moderation’ Partners status
level Integer Partners level
manager_id String Manager id
payment_systems Array[string] An array of payments (See Structure and /admin/payment_systems)
custom_fields Array[string] An array of custom fields (See /admin/custom_fields)
ref Integer Referral partner

Edit affiliate

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "password=affiliate2&status=on moderation" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/partner/10117

Response example:

      "created_at":"2018-09-27 10:36:59",
      "updated_at":"2018-09-28 10:36:59",
      "status":"on moderation",



Edit a partner

POST /3.0/admin/partner/{ID}

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
password String Partners password
login String Partners name
ref_percent String Percentage of referral program
notes String Notes
status String Available: “, ‘not active’, ‘active’, ‘banned’, ‘on moderation’ Partners status
level Integer Partners level
manager_id String Manager id
payment_systems Array[string] An array of payments (See the add affiliate method and /admin/payment_systems)
custom_fields Array[string] An array of custom fields (See /admin/custom_fields)
ref Integer Referral partner

Change affiliate password

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Change a partner’s password

POST /3.0/admin/partner/password/{ID}

Add partner postback

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "url=" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/partner/postback

Response example:

      "created":"2017-06-20 02:17:58",

Add a partner’s postback

POST /3.0/partner/postback

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
offer_id Integer Offer ID (missed parameter means creation of global postback)
url String REQUIRED Example:
status String Available: by_creating, confirmed, pending, declined, hold, not_found Postback status
goal String Postback goal
pid Integer Affiliate ID

Edit partner postback

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "url=" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/partner/postback/960

Response example:

      "created":"2017-06-20 02:17:58",

Edit a partner’s postback

POST /3.0/partner/postback/{ID}

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
url String REQUIRED Example:
status String Available: by_creating, confirmed, pending, declined, hold, not_found Postback status
goal String Postback goal
pid Integer Affiliate ID

Delete partner postback

curl -X DELETE --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

      "created":"2017-06-20 02:17:58",

Delete a partner’s postback

DELETE /3.0/partner/postback/{ID}/remove

Affiliate postbacks list

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

         "created":"2018-01-30 18:31:52",
         "created":"2018-05-14 12:39:51",
         "created":"2018-05-14 12:41:00",

Get a list of partner postbacks

GET /3.0/admin/postbacks

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
partner_id Integer REQUIRED
limit Integer Limit of entities
page Integer Page of entities

User managing (admin methods)

Users list

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get a list of users

GET /3.0/admin/users

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
page Integer Page of entities
limit Integer Limit of entities

Add user

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/user

Response example:



Add a new user
Roles list ROLE_ADMIN - Administrator
ROLE_MANAGER_AFFILIATE - Affiliate manager
ROLE_MANAGER_SALES - Sales manager
ROLE_MANAGER_AFFILIATE - Affiliate manager
ROLE_MANAGER_SALES - Sales manager
ROLE_SECTION_OFFER - Offer section
ROLE_SECTION_SUPPLIER - Supplier section
ROLE_SECTION_STATS - Satistics section
ROLE_SECTION_DASHBOARD - Dashboard section
ROLE_SECTION_NEWS - News section
ROLE_SECTION_CATEGORY - Category section
ROLE_SECTION_PARTNER - Affiliate section
ROLE_SECTION_PAYMENT - Billing section
ROLE_SECTION_TICKET - Ticket section
ROLE_MANAGER_SALES - Sales manager
ROLE_SECTION_OFFER - Offer section
ROLE_SECTION_SUPPLIER - Supplier section
ROLE_SECTION_DASHBOARD - Dashboard section
ROLE_SECTION_NEWS - News section
ROLE_SECTION_CATEGORY - Category section
ROLE_SECTION_PAYMENT - Billing section
ROLE_SECTION_TICKET - Ticket section
ROLE_SECTION_DASHBOARD - Dashboard section
ROLE_SECTION_OFFER - Offer section
ROLE_SECTION_SUPPLIER - Supplier section
ROLE_SECTION_PARTNER - Affiliate section
ROLE_SECTION_STATS - Satistics section
ROLE_SECTION_NEWS - News section
ROLE_SECTION_CATEGORY - Category section
ROLE_SECTION_PAYMENT - Billing section
ROLE_SECTION_TICKET - Ticket section

POST /3.0/admin/user

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
email String REQUIRED Email
password String Available: at least 5 characters REQUIRED Password
first_name String REQUIRED Name
last_name String REQUIRED Last name
roles Array[string] REQUIRED Array off allowed roles. See roles
skype String Skype
work_hours String Working time

Edit user

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/user/594927bd7e28fe1c4a8b4569

Response example:



Change the user

POST /3.0/admin/user/{ID}

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
email String Email
password String Available: at least 5 characters Password
first_name String Name
last_name String Last name
roles Array[string] Array off allowed roles. See add user
skype String Skype
work_hours String Working time

Change user api key

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/user/api_key/594927bd7e28fe1c4a8b4569

Response example:


Change user api key

POST /3.0/admin/user/api_key/{ID}

Conversions managing

Edit conversion

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "ids[0]=59359e1d7e28feb7568b456a&status=confirmed" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/conversion/edit

Response example:

   "message":"Conversion changes will take a few minutes"

Edit a conversion

POST /3.0/admin/conversion/edit

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
ids Array[string] REQUIRED
status String Available: confirmed, pending, declined, not_found, hold
currency String Example: usd
payouts Integer
revenue Integer
comment String Text a comment

Import single conversion

 curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
 --data "offer=1000&pid=500" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/conversion/import

Response example:

  "status": 1,
  "data": {
    "list": [
        "offer": 1000,
        "pid": 500,
        "action_id": null,
        "goal": null,
        "ip": null,
        "ua": null,
        "sum": null
  "message": "Conversion import will take a few minutes"

Import a single conversion

POST /3.0/admin/conversion/import

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
offer Integer REQUIRED Offer id
pid Integer REQUIRED Partner id
action_id String publisher conversion id
goal Integer goal number
ip String visitor ip
ua String visitor user-agent
sum Integer payouts amount for conversion (for percent payment type only)
status String Available: confirmed, pending, declined, not_found, hold, pending_cap

Import multiple conversions

  curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
  --data "list[0][offer]=1000&list[0][pid]=500" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/conversions/import

Response example:

   "status": 1,
   "data": {
     "list": [
         "offer": 1000,
         "pid": 500,
         "action_id": null,
         "goal": null,
         "ip": null,
         "ua": null,
         "sum": null
   "message": "Conversion import will take a few minutes"

Import multiple conversions

POST /3.0/admin/conversions/import

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
list[0][offer] Integer REQUIRED Offer id
list[0][pid] Integer REQUIRED Partner id
list[0][action_id] String publisher conversion id
list[0][goal] Integer goal number
list[0][ip] String visitor ip
list[0][ua] String visitor user-agent
list[0][sum] Integer payouts amount for conversion (for percent payment type only)
list[0][status] String Available: confirmed, pending, declined, not_found, hold, pending_cap

Other managing (admin methods)

City list

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get city list

GET /3.0/cities

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
locale String Default: en Locale for name of city
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
country String REQUIRED Country code. Example : US

Currency list

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get list of currency

GET /3.0/admin/currency

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
get_only_active integer Default: 0
Available: 1
Ignore inactive currencies

Payment systems list

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

         "lang_label":"Wire transfer",
               "lang_label":"IBAN\/Account Number",
               "lang_label":"Bank name",
               "lang_label":"Bank address",
         "lang_label":"Webmoney WMZ",

Get list of payment systems

GET /3.0/admin/payment_systems

Custom fields list

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get list of signup settings

GET /3.0/admin/custom_fields

Domains list

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:


Get domains

GET /3.0/admin/domains

Ticket list

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

            "updated_at":"2016-03-01 14:07:29",
                  "system":"Webmoney WMZ",
                  "system":"Webmoney WMR",
                  "title":"Web sites",





         "created":"2016-09-23 19:31:20",
         "updated":"1970-01-01 03:00:00"

Get list of tickets for connection to offers

GET /3.0/admin/tickets

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
page integer Default: 1 Page of stat entities
limit integer Default: 100 Limit of entities
status string Available: open, closed

Approve or reject ticket

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "do=approve" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/ticket/17340/offer

Response example:

   "message":"Request is successfully"

Approve or reject ticket for connect affiliate to offer

POST /3.0/admin/ticket/{ID}/offer

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
do String Available: approve, reject What need to do with a ticket

Pixel list

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

         "created_at":"2017-06-19 22:49:07",
         "updated_at":"2017-06-19 22:49:07"

Get list of a partner’s pixels

GET /3.0/partner/pixels/{ID}

Pixel add

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "pid=610&offer_id=906&name=test&code=<script>test</script>&code_type=javascript" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/partner/pixel

Response example:

      "created_at":"2017-06-21 03:34:51",
      "updated_at":"2017-06-21 03:34:51"

Add a partner’s pixel

POST /3.0/partner/pixel

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
pid Integer REQUIRED affiliate’s ID
offer_id Integer REQUIRED Offer’s ID
name String REQUIRED Name
code String Available: <script>…code…</scipt>, <img …>, <iframe src=“…”></iframe> REQUIRED Code
code_type String Available: javascript, iframe, image REQUIRED Code type
is_active Integer Available: 0, 1 Active or not
moderation_status Integer Available: Moderation status

Pixel edit

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "pid=610&offer_id=906&name=test2&code=<script>test2</script>&code_type=javascript" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/partner/pixel/2

Response example:

      "created_at":"2017-06-21 03:34:51",
      "updated_at":"2017-06-21 03:34:51"

Edit a partner’s pixel

POST /3.0/partner/pixel/{ID}

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
name String Name
code String Available: <script>…code…</scipt>, <img …>, <iframe src=“…”></iframe> Code
code_type String Available: javascript, iframe, image Code type
is_active Integer Available: 0, 1 Active or not
moderation_status Integer Available: Moderation status

Pixel remove

curl -X DELETE --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

      "created_at":"2017-06-21 03:34:51",
      "updated_at":"2017-06-21 03:34:51"

Delete a partner’s pixel

DELETE /3.0/partner/pixel/{ID}/remove

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

         "domain_id": null,
         "created_at":"2017-07-06 13:29:56",
         "updated_at":"2017-07-06 13:29:56"

SmartLink categories list

GET /3.0/admin/smartlink/categories

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
id Array[string] SmartLink categories ID collections
curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "name=test&" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/smartlink/category

Response example:

      "domain_id": null,
      "created_at":"2017-07-07 18:35:51",
      "updated_at":"2017-07-07 18:35:51"

Add new the SmartLink category

POST /3.0/admin/smartlink/category

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
name String REQUIRED Name of category
domain_id Integer If you stay it as empty will set the default TDS domain. The domain ID from your domain list.
description String Description of the category
curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "name=test123&" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/smartlink/category/595fd4877e28fee8428b459f

Response example:

      "domain_id": null,
      "created_at":"2017-07-07 18:35:51",
      "updated_at":"2017-07-07 18:35:51"

Edit a SmartLink category

POST /3.0/admin/smartlink/category/{ID}

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
name String Name of category
domain_id Integer If you stay it as empty will set the default TDS domain. The domain ID from your domain list.
description String Description of the category
curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /
--data "" http://YOUR_API_DOMAIN/3.0/admin/smartlink/category/595fd4877e28fee8428b459f/remove

Response example:

      "domain_id": null,
      "created_at":"2017-07-07 18:35:51",
      "updated_at":"2017-07-07 18:35:51"

Remove a SmartLink category

POST /3.0/admin/smartlink/category/{ID}/remove

# Other managing

ISP list

curl --header "API-Key:23df424b0a53b0899f78685966243ee61" /

Response example:

    "status": 1,
    "isp": [
            "id": "58a3064a63c96696388b4567",
            "name": "Herbalife (China) Health Products",
            "country": "CN"
            "id": "58a3072b63c96696388b6277",
            "name": "Herbalife International Of America",
            "country": "US"
            "id": "58a3073363c96696388b6380",
            "name": "Burkhalter Rudolf trading as Herbert Ospelt Anstal",
            "country": "LI"
            "id": "58a3078663c96696388b6e53",
            "name": "Herbert Rodrigues Soares",
            "country": "BR"
    "pagination": {
        "per_page": 4,
        "total_count": 9,
        "page": 1,
        "next_page": 2

Get ISP list

GET /3.0/isp

Parameter Type Available & Default Description
q String Search query
page integer Default: 1 Page of isp entities
limit integer Limit per page